Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Unnecessary worrying

So I haven't posted in a few days, I'm not sure what my deal is...I'm tired maybe. I don't know, I'm sleeping plenty. As a matter of fact, I'm probably sleeping more than I need to. I'm bored and when boredom strikes, my mind begins to worry about every little thing.

I haven't really had anything to update fertility wise, I go for my CD7 scan and labs tomorrow morning. Otherwise I've been doing injections every night. Last cycle I was thinking I had some sort of stomach bug while using the injects because I went from constipated to diarrhea the entire time I was on the shots. I also had some nausea and fatigue. It did go away after I stopped the injections but I still thought it was just because of having some sort of stomach bug.

Well....tonight will be my fourth injection and I am having stomach issues and nausea again. So this is where my worrying comes in. Nausea is a sign of OHSS. I think I will mention it to the RE tomorrow. It'll actually be my RE (I haven't seen him in over a month since it's just happened to be the other RE on mornings when I've been there.) I hate being a worry wart and it's nearly impossible to NOT look things up on the internet. So I guess I'll just worry until tomorrow morning rolls around and I can see my insides on the screen.

Nothing much else to say...sorry for the boring update.

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