I tested yesterday because we were going to dinner for my birthday and I planned on having a margarita. I used a wondfo brand cheapie and it was stark white. I did order a margarita with dinner but it was the worst margarita I have ever had in my life. I think I drank about 1/2 in off the top and then couldn't drink anymore. Also, the guacamole didn't taste quite right. I even said at dinner that it tasted like it had mayo in it.
So this morning I decided to test again, definitely expecting a negative again. After all, I have never gotten a positive HPT before 13-14dpo.
I was quite shocked when this appeared, actually I was so shocked that I thought it was a faulty test or evap and took another...
I called the RE office and they had me come right in for blood work. I got there at 7:30am, was in and out quickly. Usually the office calls with results earlier on the weekends but not until 10am-ish. When my phone rang and it was 8:45am, I picked it up and it was Dr. Miller himself!!! He congratulated me and wanted me to start on the Lovenox today.
Since it takes a few days for the pharmacy to get the Lovenox in, he said they could give me some samples but I had to swing by the office. So I drove back to the office and got some samples. The nurse was awesome, she hugged me and said she'd pray that this one sticks. She also made me give myself todays injection. That baby hurt bad but is oh so worth it if I stay pregnant.
I got back Tuesday morning for a repeat beta, p4 and my thyroid level.
Prayers are appreciated, although we are excited....we are still very cautious.
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